Home energy audit

What’s a Home Energy Audit?

What’s a Home Energy Audit?

A Home Energy Audit is an assessment of your home’s energy use, either conducted by a certified energy advisor or on a self-assessment basis.

You can either do a basic energy audit by yourself or hire a professional auditor for a more detailed analysis. The audit is a systematic measure of the energy efficiency of your home and determines what corrective steps can be taken to reduce energy costs.

How is a Home Energy Audit conducted?

An audit will measure your home’s heating systems and levels of heat retention, and can also show you ways to conserve hot water and electricity.

Self Assessment

You can conduct a home energy audit yourself: with a simple conscientious walk-through, you can spot many problems within your own home and correct them. Consult our Energy Saving Tips and the Typical Heat Loss sections for pointers.

Usher Insulation’s professional energy audits

Our audits are a comprehensive method of identifying energy cost savings and getting expert advice first-hand. The energy auditor can do a room-by-room examination of the residence, as well as a thorough examination of past utility bills. It pays to act: The first step to lowering your energy bills is to sign up for an Usher Insulation professional audit. Save time by signing up online.

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