FAQ BER Assessment

BER Assessment – Frequently Asked Questions

Usher Insulations provides Building Energy Rating Assessments in Dublin and nationwide. The BER Assessment is a relatively simple way of measuring your home’s energy usage and efficiency, however, we have found that a large number of our customers do not fully understand what the Rating is or why having a BER certificate is important. 

As qualified and experienced BER assessor, our team has a deep and thorough understanding of the BER process. We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about the BER to help our customers understand the value of having a Building Energy Rating Assessment carried out.

The Building Energy Rating Assessment is the standardised method of evaluating a property’s energy performance, use, and efficiency. The same terminology and measurements are used across every building type and individual assessment. As part of the assessment, the building’s structure, materials, and heating supply are surveyed and evaluated. Once complete, a rating is provided to the property and the owner will receive a detailed report.

The Building Energy Rating Certificate is written proof that both the assessment took place and of the rating received. Similar to energy rating labels on domestic appliances, the BER Certificate indicates how energy efficient a property is. For example, a building that has received an ‘A’ Rating is extremely energy efficient and will cost less to heat than a property with a ‘D’ or ‘E’ rating. The Certificate is valid for 10 years and does not need to be renewed if the property changes ownership during that time period.

The BER is part of the Energy Performance of Buildings EU Directive. The aim of the Directive and the assessment is to make the energy performance of a building understandable and the information available to potential purchasers or tenants. Since 2009, it is a legal requirement that all homes for rent and sale have a valid BER Report and Certificate. New buildings are also required to have a BER Assessment.

There is no minimum score in a BER Assessment. As such, a building cannot fail the assessment. However, a property with a low rating will be less attractive to buyers and tenants as there will be expensive heating bills. If the report has recommendations on how to improve your rating score, the owner is under no obligation to make the improvements but it is important to note that having a low Building Energy Rating will affect the value of your property.

Only officially trained and qualified assessors can carry out a BER Assessment. Usher Insulations are highly experienced, qualified BER Assessors once we have completed the assessment and issued the Certification, we will provide you with a report and recommendations and improvements that will make your home much more energy efficient. We strive to keep our costs as low as possible and it should be noted that all qualified assessors are trained to the same standard, so paying more for an assessment does not mean you will get a better service.

In addition to our BER Assessments, Usher Insulations is also a professional home insulation provider. We have decades of experience working with all kinds of insulation including walls, floor, and attic. If you have received a poor BER and want to improve your home’s efficiency or are simply interested in saving money on your heating bills then speak to a member of our expert team for further advice. You can contact us on 018201921 or send an email to [email protected].

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